AmigaActive (1112/1338)

From:Nicholaus Darley-Jones
Date:6 Apr 2001 at 04:14:58
Subject:Re: Kickstart show

Hello Don

On 26-May-01, you wrote:

> So, did everyone enjoy it?

YES :^)

Can I say a big THANK YOU to Ray and Chris. We really enjoyed being able to
bring our Mediator systems (MediHelp / GAG usergroup) to the show to show
off what is capable with a modest system.

It was very unfortunate that they bank holiday and the excellent weather
made the even slightly quieter than normal. Had it been otherwise I'm sure
it would have been packed. The venue was excellent and there was actually
some food to eat at the show. ;^)

I had made a special 1600 mile round trip to get everything sorted for the
show, and it was still worth it. Both Sam Thomas and myself had our
systems networked and sharing the internet via ethernet only the night
before. It took a while to do but really worked well. Unfortuantely we
did not get to show it off at the show. We did, however, have Dynamite
running via Ethernet at the show but we didn't demonstrate it for long.
Had my system been a little more powerful then we would also have been
playing Quake too.

We had hoped that the SoundBlaster drivers would have been released by the
time of the show but it wasn't to be. However, Elbox did send us plenty of
leaflets to hand out.

Looking forward to the next one already! I hope that HAUG hold another one
near Hudderfield early next year as the travelling would be greatly

See you next time :^)



-=o G.A.G - Gloucestershire Amiga Group o=-


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